

On the margins?

Christians across western culture are facing profound challenges and fresh opportunities. The
long era of ‘Christendom’ is coming to an end. We now live in a plural society, with multiple
religious options alongside the prevailing secular assumptions, in which Christianity has lost
its position of dominance and privilege and churches are on the margins of society. Although
we seem to be declining in numbers and influence, this context offers many new possibilities
– if we have the courage and imagination to grasp them.

Why the Crucible course?

Crucible is for Christians with courage and imagination, who suspect that:

• We need to operate as cross-cultural missionaries because we live in a cross-cultural
mission context.
• We need to think creatively about incarnating the gospel and planting new kinds of
churches in emerging and diverse cultures.
• We need to recover the biblical vision of shalom and reflect on how we live as followers
of Jesus in light of this all-embracing vision.
• We need to pay particular attention to the margins, because we serve the God who
frequently does new things there:
o On the margins of society among the poor and disenfranchised.
o At the margins of culture, where creative thinking explores new possibilities.
o On the margins of the familiar, the spaces all around us, neglected or ignored,
but full of potential.

What is a crucible?

• A melting pot, where antiquated
structures are made pliable and
• A time when powerful political,
social, intellectual or economic
forces converge.
• A place where different cultures
or styles can mix together and
produce something new.

Who runs the course?

The course was first developed by Andrew Grinnell, Juliet Kilpin and Stuart Murray Williams.
Now in its seventh year and having trained over 250 people it is hosted by Urban Expression
in partnership with the Incarnate Network, the Northumbria Community, Workshop, the 614
initiative of The Salvation Army and BMS World Mission.

What does the course involve?

Crucible runs three intensive training weekends each year to equip Christians to follow Jesus
on the margins. Two streams are available on each weekend. Each stream flows separately,
but the subjects can be done in any combination:

Stream 1
After Christendom (5-6 November 2011) investigates the many opportunities, as well as the
challenges, that the end of imperial Christianity presents.
Urban Challenge (28-29 January 2012) examines the dynamics of mission and ministry in our
multicultural urban communities, where Christendom has faded first.
Creating New Churches (12-13 May 2012) offers resources for pioneering new churches –
and new kinds of churches – in emerging cultures, and renewing existing churches.

Stream 2
Restoring Hope (5-6 November 2011) explores how, in light of God’s mission to bring shalom
(peace) to all creation, we can live towards that hope and create communities of peace.
Becoming Human (28-29 January 2012) probes the dynamics of discipleship and asks how we
can become more fully human as followers of the Son of Man.
Jesus Unplugged (12-13 May 2012) imagines how we might re-tell the story of Jesus today in
ways that connect with contemporary cultures.


Participants will also be offered opportunities for year-long or short-term placements in
various contexts – to work out in practice what they learn on these weekends.

Online learning

For those interested, some of the weekends are supported by online learning modules,
validated by The University of Wales, in partnership with Spurgeon’s College, London.


International Mission Centre, 24 Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6QX


£50 per weekend or £130 for all three. Accommodation and meals at the International Mission
Centre or nearby can also be booked through the course administrator.


For further information, or to book a place, please return the response form. Or find out more
at: or contact us at

PDF version available including booking form: Click Here