Assembly Lineassembly


Co-ordinators: Korky & Anni Davey
20 St. Hilary Close

Tel/fax 00 44 117 968 4427

Few people realise they could possibly have a wonderfully fulfilling ministry in taking school assembly, yet it is the most important opportunity for sharing the Gospel with the next generation in this country today. At any one time about 20% of the population will be in school. You will have an open door into your local schools to take assembly. Few children now attend Sunday School, few Christian teachers feel able to share their faith openly in school even in assembly: when are the children going to hear the good news if nobody goes into their schools to tell them? By law every school day should begin with “an act of worship of a mainly Christian nature” but
You MUST know how to do it properly or the doors will be closed.....

O.A.C. specialise in presenting the stories of the Bible in a lively and memorable way with a sketchboard and bright poster paints.
t's easy when we show you how!
In Primary and Secondary schools throughout Bristol and the West Country, children and staff are keen to have us back on a regular basis – it is great fun and they love to see us as they come into the hall, faces lighting up in anticipation of the next “Jesus story” – about 50 to 350 in a primary school. Secondary Schools usually meet in House assemblies of about 400 – a different style of presentations needed. We give you resources to do the job well.

We will train you to keep within the guidelines set out by the Local Education Authority and the law relating to assemblies in schools, being sensitive to the fact that there may be children present from ethnic minorities or those of other faiths. We won't ask you to do an assembly until you and we feel you are ready.

You will need a reference from your Pastor, or CRB certificate.

Come and watch! Have a go with a paintbrush afterwards! We would love to train some more people as we have more schools than we can handle, and our team are ageing.....Do get in touch. No charge.