Show your support for marriage

As you may have already heard, the government is planning to begin a consultation on changing the definition of marriage to introduce same-sex marriage.

We at the Evangelical Alliance are in favour of retaining the current definition of marriage, which has benefited societies across the world for thousands of years. For generations, evangelical Christians have been promoting marriage as a crucial building block of society. The union of a man and a woman in marriage was personally endorsed by Jesus as given by God in creation, and the New Testament also sees marriage as a picture of Christ and his Church.

Please sign the marriage petition…

CFMlogosmallAs you may also have heard, a new broad-based group, the Coalition for Marriage, has been formed to campaign for retaining the current definition of marriage. We believe we can encourage the government to change its mind. The Coalition will be taking several initiatives, but as a first step they have launched a petition which states: “I support the legal definition of marriage which is the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. I oppose any attempt to redefine it.”

We would urge you to show your support for marriage by signing the petition. You can add your name online at Petition sheets can also be downloaded from the website, which contains more information about the Coalition. 

…and tell your friends and neighbours

The British public have a great affection for marriage, and people from all sorts of backgrounds will be keen that the current definition of marriage stays the same. Please get your friends and neighbours to sign the petition too. Point them to the Coalition website,, or ask them to add their names to a petition sheet. But please don’t do both – each person can only sign the petition once!

Signatories must be aged 16 or over and be a UK resident. You can email the Coalition at: or phone 0207 403 7879.

If you use the petition sheet, when you have gathered as many signatures as you can, please send it to this address:

8 Marshalsea Road

Yours sincerely,

Steve Clifford
General Director
Evangelical Alliance