Get Involved! - Emergency Accomodation‏

Would your ‘community’ consider caring for people who have been evacuated from their homes?

floodPeople may be traumatised, distressed and in need of a caring response. They need to know they are safe and with people who care about them.

We need to plan for a situation where there are so many evacuees that day to day plans simply won’t work. This is not something we anticipate or expect to happen but we need to make plans.

In Somerset many Parish Councils, some churches and other community groups, are coming forward to offer care to evacuees. Any building might offer a safe refuge for someone in need.

We want communities to think about looking after a group of evacuees. They may be from Somerset or from further afield. Your assistance may involve finding volunteers to help in a church hall or maybe you have suitable accommodation within your community. You may be caring for a handful of people, family groups or more. We would like to find enough centres to offer care, perhaps for a few days if necessary. Meanwhile local authorities would be making sure you have everything you need to undertake this task whilst they search for alternative accommodation. In addition, two trained members of the Voluntary Agencies would offer support.

This is new planning recognising the willingness of communities to help in time of need. We will not develop complicated plans; particularly for something that we hope may never happen. It is simply giving the opportunity to those who feel they would want to help in a large emergency where every pair of hands is worthwhile.

We would like to give you the opportunity to hear more about this planning process and how you might become involved. Please contact Barbara Sharratt or Geoff Mackett who will answer any queries and if you wish, make an appointment to visit you to hear more.

E mail - or

Somerset Local Authorities Civil Contingencies Partnership.

Telephone: 01823 357180

If you live in Bristol please contact Simon Creed LLB, MA, FEPS, Civil Protection Manager, Bristol City Council,

Telephone: 01179 223233

