Pray for Families - Prayer Pointspray for families

Give thanks for:

The wealth and diversity of the body of Christ.

God’s selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love for all.

The gifts of mother-hood, traditional marriage and family.

Please pray for:

Our communities to be consumed by God’s love.

Parents having long commutes to and from work and the disruption this brings to home life.

Those working away and those on shift work who rarely see their families and the loneliness and other difficulties this brings
the elderly lonely.

Our social service teams.

More parents to come forward to consider fostering.

Mothers to be able to choose to stay at home to give children a secure and loving start to life - and the finances to allow this to happen.

Unpaid grandparents who devote their retirement to look after grandchildren.

God’s love to aid and equip all childcare/nursery/afterschool club staff taking the place of parental nurture.

Parents to be equipped to model the character of Christ to their children.

Children to be obedient to Godly parental authority.

Support for all single parents and the challenges they face.

For a good uptake on parenting and marriage courses.

Protection and intervention for those suffering domestic violence (physical, psychological, sexual, emotional, financial)

Bridges between church and families to be strengthened.


Please pray for:

An ‘anchor’ prayer group to develop in your area with a heart for the families of Bristol and surrounding villages to undergird in prayer the work of the Churches.

For representative/s to promote ‘prayer for families’ in Churches across the bristol area.

For God to bless every Church leader with a big heart for prayer.

For leaders to teach on prayer and release their Church families into praying for all types of family relationships within the Church and their community.

Every member of the Church family to come into a richer relationship with father God.

For Father God to be at the centre of every family.

The power of God to move on congregations and communities showing love in action to families.

Every ‘family’ to come into relationship with father God.

That Churches will become a ‘cushion of love’ for families across their Church area.

For firmer bridges to be built between Church and community.`

We have this hope like an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. 
Heb 6.19

Annie Barnsdale

mob:  07528056054    e-mail:  annie a_t pray4familiesuk d_o_t co d_o_t uk