Could you live on the breadline? Test yourself, raise money for charity

When: Monday 8th - Saturday 14th April 2013
Where: Bristol region (But could be anywhere)

How good are your budgeting skills?
Could you live on the breadline?
Put yourself to the test and raise money for charity with the Job Seekers Allowance Challenge 8th-14th April.

Job Seekers Allowance benefit is a very topical subject at the moment. It has been in the news all week with many different views being expressed. However, it is universally agreed that it is a good thing for the long-term unemployed and the disadvantaged to make their way back into work.It is good for them and good for society.
Two Bristol based organisations are working to create jobs for this group. The Matthew Tree Project (charity) and Aspire (social enterprise).
This week the JSA Challenge begins and our aim is to get as many people as possible, all across Bristol and beyond, taking the challenge. Details of how to take the challenge are attached, but in essence we are challenging you to live on £71 (the current level of job seekers allowance benefit) for 7 days. This is to give a real insight into what it is like to live on this amount of money. The second part to the challenge is to donate what you would have normally spent if you had not taken the challenge.
Please support the excellent and very difficult work being done locally by these two organisations by being bold enough to take the challenge! Afterwards we would love to hear your story and experiences of what it was like for you.
Thank you.

jsa challenge all