The Lord is Marching Forth in Splendour!

It’s been another great month here at TWUK – God is on the move!!! I do hope you can say the same in your workplace, if not yet … watch out, we are praying, and the blessing is coming!!

twuk1First, a word from our Chairman, Jeff Steady ....

Growth rates vary, don’t they? Kids shoot up apparently overnight and so do the weeds on my back patio.

Elsewhere in the garden growth is often pedestrian to say the least and most of the time, much slower than I want.

But it’s happening everywhere. Nothing stands still for long. Coming back from holiday recently, I reflected on what I saw in Transform Work UK, and realised I was looking at growth – strong growth in fact. And growth of various types. We’ve grown in numbers of team members – quite a stunning and encouraging growth in quality people offering time and talents to grow the impact of Christianity in the workplace. But there is other growth I see there too – in vision, in relationships, in style, and certainly in faith. You don’t have to look long and hard to see it.

Today, I am taking the opportunity of this newsletter to celebrate that growth – a growth which tells me God is with us! And to thank each one who is standing with us. The team is not yet complete I hasten to add. We would love you to be part of our next stage of growth.

In your own Christian Workplace Group and endeavours for the kingdom, look for growth with wider eyes than to see only numbers ‘for the love of God is broader than the measure of man’s mind and the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind…’

Yours for the Kingdom and God bless you today as you transform work in the UK!
transform work uk

Networking News  We’ve been out and about this month, meeting with leaders of networks in Canary Wharf (HSBC and BP), the European Medicines Agency, the Lawyers Christian Fellowship, the Christian Medical Fellowship, Christian Nurses and Midwives, as well as Christians in Government. We’ve also made telephone contact to encourage friends in Manchester, Bedford (Amey), Scotland (interesting prospects there!) and many, many others. We’ve worked together with like-minded organisations Agape and the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity.  We’re in the process of bringing Dave Pilgrim and Graham Stewart on board to network across the south-east and midlands areas, and, oh, we’ve been looking ahead over the next 5 years or so!! We’re also just starting providing administrative support to another Christian group ... and ... the Bishop of Truro has received information about what TWUK does with interest and is looking to push the message forward further. Oh ... and ... God has begun to answer our prayers for funding!!! Exciting!!! Let us know if you woudl like us to get in touch with you and your group!!!!

twuk2The Naval Christian Fellowship   As we head to Remembrance Day, it’s good to hear that the Naval Christian Fellowship in particular have been really blessed in the last couple of months with 16 new joiners, and a real sense of God’s goodness. They are planning all sorts of opportunities for all their members to get involved in and 
become active in sharing their faith.  So ...... exciting!!!

Photo Competition   With our new website gradually being built up, we are running a little competition! Send us a photo that represents 'Faith in the Workplace' to your group. This could be an abstract photo - somtwuk3e workplace object that has a cross shape in it, or whatever takes your creative eye to represent Faith at Work. An example is shown here. The glittering, priceless, much sought-after prize …. is to have your artwork displayed on the front page of our website, with your very own group quoted!!!!!!  Do also send us lots of shots of your groups as well – particularly shots with people in them that we can use to liven up the website!

We continue to pray God’s richest blessings on all Christians at the workplace. Don't forget to make a difference this Christmas - see here for ideas!


Trevor Payne
The Transform Work UK Team