Is the Christian church ready?

by Mark Goodway - Founder of The Matthew Tree Project (charity)

The challenges facing society in 2014, many believe, are like nothing experienced before. It
is certainly the most challenging times in living memory and the church has a role to play.
The four pillars on which  our  society stands are; (1) local and national government; (2) the
corporate  sector;  (3)  the  third  sector  of  statutory  and  voluntary  organisations  and  (4)  the
faith/church community; and each has a significant  role to play.  However, the church has a
unique opportunity to stand up and take the lead  in demonstrating God's Kingdom on earth
at this time of great change and challenge. God has previous in this. It won't be the first time
He  has  intervened  to  save  mankind  from  disaster.  Think  Joseph  and  the  seven  years  of
plenty before the seven years of famine.

Poverty  is  real  and  is  being  felt  by  thousands  of  adults  and  children  which  is  adversely
effecting their life chances. And this is not just in Africa, Asia and South America but in 2014
Britain  and many  of  the  other Western  developed  'rich'  countries. Inequality  is  more stark
now than it has ever been leading to huge social and health problems and challenges. Does
God care about this  and the human suffering it causes. Of course He does. For anyone to
think otherwise  is not to know God at all.  God has chosen us to be His hands and feet to
address the need here on earth.

And he has provided us with all the resources we need to respond to this challenge. He has
even given us a step-by-step guide in Acts chapter 4 with the example of the actions  of the
early  church.  They  called  upon  and  proclaimed  the  name  of  the  Lord,  sold  all  their
possessions and shared with all.  No one was in need.  We live in a highly materialistic and
consumer driven society that is damaging to us and those around us. In many respects we
work ourselves into an early grave to buy things we  do not need and  often cannot  afford.
God is clear in His instruction to us. Not to  concern  ourselves  with earthly things but  with
heavenly things instead - the things that matter to God. People. To love our neighbour as we
love  ourselves  and  to  care for  them  -  whatever  their  need  may  be.  Our  task  is to  accept
everyone we meet as they are, value them for who they are, love them and care for them
regardless. No exception and no qualification needed. This is what God did for us and this is
what we do for those God brings into our lives.

Oxfam  recently  reported  (March  2014)  that  the  85  richest  people  are  as  wealthy  as  the
poorest half of the worlds population and they called  on those gathered at  the recent  WEF
(World Economic Forum) to pledge: to support progressive taxation and not dodge their own
taxes; refrain from using their wealth to seek political favours that undermine the democratic
will of their fellow citizens; make public all investments in companies and trusts for which
they  are  the  ultimate  beneficial  owners;  challenge  governments  to  use  tax  revenue  to
provide universal healthcare, education and social protection; demand a living wage in all
companies they own or control; and challenge other members of the economic elite  to join
them in these pledges.

This is important. Welfare has been heavily in the news for the last two years, with the unfair
government  welfare  reforms,  and  the  reasons  why different  people  come  to  rely  on  it  are
incredibly  complex. The  recent  DEFRA report on  food  aid  found  that  the  biggest  issues
facing  many  accessing  food  aid  are  low-income,  increasing  living  costs  (including  food
prices) and personal debt. One of the  food poverty charities  featured on  the recent BBC1
Panorama  programme, the  Matthew  Tree  Project,  asks  those receiving food  to  bring  their
bank statements because they understand that many visiting them need more than help with
their  food.  It’s  only  when  some  of  the  underlying  causes  of  poverty  can  begin  to  be
addressed that significant progress can be made.

The  Matthew  Tree  Project  (TMTP),  an  independent  Christian  faith  based  charity,  is  very
much  a  (very  real)  practical  expression  of  the  ethos  and  holistic  nature  of  God  in  2014.
TMTP enjoy the (active and practical) support of Bristol City Council (right up to the mayor
himself); the Food Policy Council; Bristol's Food Network; Bristol Green Capital; the London
Assembly; the Tudor Trust;  the ward councillors in the wards in which they  work (the most
deprived  in the city); Bristol's Public Health department;   BITC (Business in the Community
network);  and  the  local  and  national  media  (i.e.  BBC  Panorama  in  March'14;  Channel  4
Dispatches  in  March'14;  BBC  Radio  4's  Costing  the  Earth  last  week;  BBC  Radio  4's  Any
Questions  May  2,  2014;  BBC  Inside  Out  West  2011  &  2012;  plus  numerous  local  radio
stations and shows over the past 24 months).

Mark Goodway, Founder of  TMTP is  also a member of  Bristol's Fairness Commission (the
final  report  is  due  to  be  released  April  2014);  Bristol's  Joint  Planning  Board  for  Welfare
Reform and Advice Agencies and  is also an  advisor's to the APPG (all party parliamentary
group of MP's) in Westminster for Hunger and Food Poverty.

There is a tremendous advantage in being in this privileged position to be able to connect all
the  dots  across  all  these  bodies/groups  as  the  issues  being  tackled  are  complex  and  a
matrix of multiple elements all of which effect each other in different ways. This is why TMTP
model  is  so  successful  and  making  such  progress  on  the  food  poverty,  food  security,
economic  (skills  and  jobs),  and  environmental  impact  agenda.  It  is  absolutely  not  a  food
bank but  instead  a    transforming,  pioneering  and unique initiative  that is hitting all the right
notes  and  most  importantly...  is  a  sustainable  model  that  works  in  the  most  deprived
communities and for the most vulnerable and those on the lowest incomes, as well as for
everyone else.

TMTP  work  maximises  local  food  growing  and  healthy  food  production  (volume  and
effectiveness); actively promotes the development of multiple skills and training in the local
food sector;  actively promotes healthier and happier lifestyles,  actively reduces food waste
and  maximises  resources;  actively  reduces  transportation  and  packaging  costs  and
mechanical  interventions  (carbon  emissions);  actively  engages  with  all  levels  of  the  local
community  including  council,  schools,  colleges,  businesses,  churches,  other  local
organisations  and  residents  and  significantly  improves  community  cohesion  and  active
(outdoor) lifestyles whilst at the same time promoting the value and importance of ecology
and the need to view the environment around us in a completely different and very positive
way - to help us solve our multiple challenges of social, health and economic problems.
In  addition  to  the  above  TMTP  work  also  includes  cook  from  scratch  cookery  courses,
malnutrition  and  obesity  work,  money  &  budgeting  support,  creating  relationship  and  the
building  up  of  trust,  self-confidence  and  self-esteem  (a  vital  component  in  any  work  with

Make no mistake, the situation  we face is serious on many levels. A  major UN report this
week (March 2014)  warns The impacts of global warming are likely to be "severe, pervasive
and irreversible".

Scientists  and  officials  meeting  in  Japan  say  the  document  is  the most  comprehensive
assessment to date of the impacts of climate change on the world.  Some impacts of climate
change include a higher risk of flooding and changes to crop yields and water availability.

Humans may be able to adapt to some of these changes, but only within limits.
God has shown he is ready to do what it takes to guide us through this.

The question is...are we?