Find Your Frontline...

To find out more about this in the Bristol region, or to ask for a speaker at your church, please contact: Roger Allen:  We may be old or young; healthy or infirm; rich or poor; employed or not. We may be busy or bored; optimistic or pessimistic; radically cutting edge or relatively retro.  But whoever we are, as Christians, we have at least one thing in common: we each have a frontline.
Whether it’s at work, in the gym, at the local supermarket, or on the bus, each of us meets people every day who don’t know Christ and there’s no better place for mission and frontline 2ministry to begin. Often though, we don’t see ourselves, our workplaces, homes, colleges and clubs in this light. But what might God want to do where we are day by day? How might he use us? How will we grow? 

LICC’s Frontline resources are a great way for you and others in your church to identify the places where God is calling you to make a difference for him and be practically equipped to do that faithfully and fruitfully.
The first in the series, Life on the Frontline, is a six-week DVD course that begins the journey towards whole-life discipleship by looking at things like where our personal frontlines are and why they matter, how church equips us for our frontline mission, how we can focus our prayers towards our frontlines and how we can support one another in our various mission and ministry contexts.
The second in the series, Fruitfulness on the Frontline, moves a step further, and both the book by Mark Greene and the accompanying eight-session DVD look in more detail at how God wants to work and in and through us on our frontlines – like how we can be modelling godly character, how we can show grace and love, how we can bring truth and justice and how we can help shape the culture around us.frontline 3
So why not think about introducing one of these to your church or small group next term?

Find out more about...

Life on the Frontline
Fruitfulness on the Frontline
Wherever you start your journey towards whole-life discipleship, take your first step today.
May God bless you as you serve him wherever you find yourself.
The LICC team
