Vote in Airbus Community Awards

Complete list of organisations and voting codes: Click Here

Dear Friends

MentorMe is one of the organisations that have been accepted for the Airbus Community Awards Scheme. All successful nominated groups were listed in the Bristol Post yesterday (22/02/16). Now the local community can vote for the group that they would most like to win an award and a share of £10,000 of award prize money by collecting voting coupons from the Bristol Post; these will be printed daily in the Bristol Post from Monday, February 22 to Monday, March 21. Look out for bonus days where we will be printing high value votes.

Groups can vote for themselves and can send in as many votes as they wish. The top 10 most voted for groups will then receive an award and a share of the £10,000 award prize money.

If you feel that you could support MentorMe in this way and/or know others who take the Bristol Post and would support us that would be fantastic. Many thanks


airbus mentorme