
City Evangelism Group Request


Dear friends,

nico-smit-0pDvdNlhUn4-unsplashThe Together4Bristol Enabling Group would like to know if you - or anyone you know - may be interested in a city evangelism group.  Please feel free to pass this invitation on.  The group is open to anyone who is interested in evangelism in the Bristol area. 
The group is just starting so, while we have a number of ideas, it is hard to say very much about what it will do; in any case, this will depend to a great extent on who joins and how large the group is. We don't want to try to tell anyone what to do and how to do it, but we do want to be encouraging and supportive, and have the opportunity to learn from and pray for one another.
We would also like to know what evangelistic activity is happening in and around Bristol, so we can pray for and (where appropriate) help to publicise it, and what resources there are to encourage and support good evangelism.  If you can tell us anything about either of these, or are interested in the group, please follow the links below - thank you!
If you have any questions, do come back to me.
Every blessing,
  *  I am interested in the city evangelism group
  *  I can tell you about some evangelistic activity
  *  I can tell you about some evangelism resources


Posted: February 2023